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Dust Shroud Brush 7 Inch - AOQUN Is Professional

Dust Shroud Brush 7 Inch - AOQUN Is Professional

3rd Floor, AB Building, No. 333 South Panyu Avenue, Dongchong Town – Guangzhou – China, Guandong020-84858360Facebook
Industry > Tools, drill, scissors ..Laser Welding...
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Bob, a dust shroud grinder wholesaler from the United States, is looking for a dust shroud brush 7 inch. Because it is a wholesaler and not a manufacturer, they have no drawings but only samples. With the increasing demand in the market, they want to find a factory to produce this dust shroud brush 7 inch and wholesale it to retailers along with industrial dust shroud grinder.

Through a round of proofing and trial production in small batches, 10,000 dust shroud brush 7 inches are now being produced in an orderly manner on the Aoqun production line. Bob said that this order is only a month’s demand from one of his customers, and there will be more dust shroud brush 7 inch orders to Aoqun later!

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Dust Shroud Brush 7 Inch - AOQUN Is Professional
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